If you were due for a Sight/Contact lens Examination during the lock down. We haven’t forgotten you at all but we have been unable to see Patients during this period. We were “open” but only for Emergencies and Essential work – many of you had repairs and repeat orders during this time – and would have been aware of our situation.
We have been open for regular appointments since the end of June with new guidelines.
There are many new procedures and protocol we have to adhere to.
We are operating a locked door policy/appointment only. Times have been extended to accommodate the increased sanitation pre and post your visit. All our staff will be wearing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) so we look slightly different.
All Sight Testing and Dispensing Equipment are sanitised between each Patient – that includes all frames, at the moment you are unable to browse from room to room.
We have to limit the number of people in the practice.
All appointments are COVID 19 pre-screened the day before – this is also available on line but must be done no more than 24 hours prior.
Family’s – (that’s 2 adults or one parent/guardian with MAX 2 children under 16 years) are considered a “bubble “so can come in together.
We are able to see you for Sight Testing and Contact Lens follow-ups but not for new contact lens fittings, as of yet.
If you are having problems or are concerned about your vision, please ring and we can discuss further. We are running Emergency clinics.
If you are experiencing no issues then we ask you to book ahead allowing people with eye problems to be seen first.
Contact lens ordering has changed and they are posted directly from the manufacturers, we will ask for payment in advance.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to speak to either Sara or Craig.
All the above restrictions are due to the Amber phase. We look forward to going Green!
Thank you for your co – operation in these difficult times.
Kind regards
Sara and Craig